Tuesday, January 31, 2012


A smile full of doubts
A dream with no catcher
A blue with no white
A song with no lyrics
A walk with no aim
A death with no cause
A hunger with no end
A beauty with no admirer
An ambit with no range
And a closed mind looking at the open window and asking himself which one is real?

Friday, January 27, 2012

A certain Someone ...a certain Something ..

Ouch just missed my connecting flight and now what do I do? Yes of course there is plenty of staff to help me out with the situation but there happened to be a gentleman beside me with whom I had shared a nodding conversation because half the time I could not hear what he was saying. As a gentleman he stayed there till things were sorted out and then we both parted our ways with a smile and with a common question –Are you on Facebook?

 Today when I look back what I remember is a person whom I had barely noticed as I was too eager to be back home and was just pleased by his gesture. But something changed and I don’t know how much and for how long after we met again as I happened to be in his city. It was twilight and he picked me up to head towards a CafĂ© which I had wished to visit. The time went by with some uncomfortable and beautiful moments as I see it. We had dinner and he dropped me back to my place. As I closed the door I asked myself what kind of an evening it was? I had no category to put it into. To understand it I met him again. This time it was even worse as I got so nervous that I kept on adjusting my shawl and the bag which I was carrying and he kept on asking me what are you thinking and where are you lost. A flushed night it was but he could not understand it, unfortunately neither could I.

 Sometimes some people come in your life and you don’t understand your emotions towards them but when you see them you just want to hear them because it soothes your turmoil and even if it is just for a moment you want to be held in those arms with closed eyes and know that everything is going to be fine. You don’t really care what language they speak, what they eat or where they belong to and where they are heading to, all you see is a beautiful heart which beats inside them. And while you think and write about it they are snug in their own world spreading more calmness; unaware of your flutters.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Times are Forever

We all have gone through many a times a boring day (literally, when even facebook is also not all that fun), think about those moments which after being calibrated as your first, even if something happens similar; won’t be like your first ones as they have frozen there in your incomprehensible brain, even if they have gone a little blurry but they are still their making you icky, sometimes red with laughter or shame or just plain quiet; that’s the magic they hold.

Do you remember the first day at college (we won’t start with school, that’s the age of heavenly innocence), your first bike ride? First time you won something and solely on your own efforts and an audience clapping for you, can you still hear it? Isn’t it wonderful? The day you paid your own fees and the day you made your first bank account. The day cable TV came home and the day family got a car. The day you got insulted in public and felt too low to even think of rising up again. The day someone told you that you are their best friend, the day you first sat in a plane and the day you missed a train. The day you made your ‘orkut’ account and then never looked back and the day you got your first laptop. A first family trip and a first night out. The first time you liked someone and the night of waiting to know their reply and the first time you said no. A first disc experience and a first drunk experience. The day you travelled alone and checked if you have your ticket numerous times and people kept on calling you and telling you not to talk to strangers.

Days are many to remember and you won’t even know how your day passed but one thing I have learnt from life that if something could not become your first time then don’t lose heart and hope because it’s true that there is always a next time , a better or not we don’t know but something it holds to add to your moments.